
Limited Spaces Available

  • Remove All Duplicates Tracks

  • Add Title and Artists To Tracks

  • Add Years And Genres To MP3s

  • Sort Tracks Into Genre Folders

  • I Will Not Download Music For You

  • I Will Not Organise Your Edits/Remixes

  • I Will Not Create Playlists For You

How It Works

Your Music Library MUST Be Uploaded To Dropbox BEFORE Purchasing
Failure To Do So Will Result In Your Music Library NOT Being Organised

  • Share Your Music Library via Dropbox with me

  • You Will Recieve An Email With ALL the Details

  • I Will Organise Your Music Library

  • I Re-Upload Your Organised Music Library Back To Dropbox

  • All Communication Will Be Over Whatsapp

* Average 72 hour delivery *

Some Tracks WILL Come Back As
Genre: No Genre & Year: 0000
I Cannot Get The Information For EVERY Track. But I Will Do A Good Job Getting MOST

Be Notified When This Is Next Available